Monday, April 21, 2008

Sidewalk Sale: May 2, 3 &4

It's a fun weekend, any way you look at it. Twice a year the
St. Helena Chamber of Commerce sponsors our downtown
sidewalk sale. Nearly all of the retail merchants along Main Street (Highway 29) display racks and tables of deeply discounted merchandise.

And it's quite an event, too. Friends and families meet downtown and spend the day together,
enjoy each other's company and take advantage of the fabulous sale prices.

At On The Vine, we have fun with the event, too. We take HUGE markdowns on select
pieces, and generally have most items on sale all weekend. Our local customers know that
we offer some of the best deals in town. They begin to line up outside our door, sometimes
as early as 7:30 or 8:00, knowing that we don't open our door until 10 AM. By then, it's not
uncommon to have 10 to 20 ladies waiting for us to wheel out our first rack of clothes.
From then until about mid afternoon it's a mad scramble and a fun one.

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