Monday, April 21, 2008

Nina McLemore Trunk Show

On The Vine Ladies Specialty Boutique will feature designer
Nina McLemore and her Summer 2008 Collection in a trunk show
Thursday, May 8 through Saturday, May 10. The premier of
Ms. McLemore's Collection marks her first personal appearance
in the Napa Valley. Daily hours for the event are 10 AM to 5:30 PM, or by appointment.

According to Ms. McLemore, "We respect and honor women with the style and quality of clothing that we design for them. Our mission is to help women feel stylish, elegant and smart."

The Company donates approximately 2% of its revenues through special events to charities that focus on women, children, the arts and education.

Nina's Philosophy at a glance...

  • Style - Elegant, contemporary, timeless, simple, fitted or loose and jacket driven. Appropriate for business or liesure.
  • Luxury Fabrics - Beautiful and distinctive European fabrics in natural fibers, or fine Asian silks.
  • Color - Colors that flatter, are bold and fun.
  • Fit - Excellent fit, fabrics with stretch. Short, shaped jackets with slim pants and skirts, or relaxed jacket, skirts and pants.
  • Travel - Fabrics are wear-tested and pack well.
  • Quality - Manufactured in couture quality factories.
  • Shop - At special trunk shows with sales reps and in selected better specialty stores with all sizes available to try on.
  • Wardrobe building - Buy skirts and pants in solid fabrics and add jackets and blouses in matching and novelty fabrics. Continuity in fabric and styles with new colors each season.
  • Service - Personal service in style consultation and flexible appointments.
  • Accessories - Original hand crafted jewelry and accessories.
  • The Line - 60 styles and 140 style/color options.
  • Sizes - 0 - 16 and petites.
  • Delivery - 2 - 6 weeks

Nina McLemore Trunk Show!

Sidewalk Sale: May 2, 3 &4

It's a fun weekend, any way you look at it. Twice a year the
St. Helena Chamber of Commerce sponsors our downtown
sidewalk sale. Nearly all of the retail merchants along Main Street (Highway 29) display racks and tables of deeply discounted merchandise.

And it's quite an event, too. Friends and families meet downtown and spend the day together,
enjoy each other's company and take advantage of the fabulous sale prices.

At On The Vine, we have fun with the event, too. We take HUGE markdowns on select
pieces, and generally have most items on sale all weekend. Our local customers know that
we offer some of the best deals in town. They begin to line up outside our door, sometimes
as early as 7:30 or 8:00, knowing that we don't open our door until 10 AM. By then, it's not
uncommon to have 10 to 20 ladies waiting for us to wheel out our first rack of clothes.
From then until about mid afternoon it's a mad scramble and a fun one.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Unique Products From Unique Makers!

A Day in the Life

On The Vine, Ladies Specialty Boutique, is located in the heart of Napa Valley wine country, St. Helena, California.
On The Vine is best known for original designs
in apparel as well as hand crafted artisanal jewelry and accessories. Many of those pieces
are limited editions or one of a kind.
We're going to be using this space to focus on
our newest arrivals and upcoming store events
that may be of some interest. Hopefully, we'll
be updating on a regular basis to keep you informed about the things that go on around our
little retail world. Stay tuned...