Thursday, June 12, 2008

Nina McLemore Summer Collection 2008

On The Vine hosts The Summer Collection 2008 by fashion
industry veteran, Nina McLemore.The event takes place exclusively at On The Vine Thursday, July 10th through Saturday, July 12th.

According to OTV owners, "We are thrilled to have Nina's
collection in St. Helena. She has great experience in the fashion
industry: an eye for detail with a vision that defines her style - and
of course, huge entrepreneurial spirit. Nina's collection fills a void
in designer clothing; many women cannot find clothing that fits, is
appropriate for their lifestyle and has the quality they require. It is
almost as though Nina designs for the 'forgotten woman' in each
of us."

The Summer Collection includes groups designed for Day, Evening,
Suiting, Casual and Essentials. According to Ms. McLemore,
" We believe in quality, style, fit, color and fabrics that take you from
day to evening with flair and fun! Our mission is to help women
feel stylish, elegant and smart."